What is a Corflute Sign?
What are Coroplast Signs? Corrugated plastic signs also called coroplast sign, corflute sign, correx sign, and PP corrugated sign. Corflute is perfect for temporary signage solutions like A-frames and Real Estate signs. Much like cardboard, correx has flutes that throughout the material allowing air and water to pass through. Corrugated plastic signs are durable and a great option for outdoor signage. 4mm signs are typically used as yard signs. Coroplast sign is a chemically inert, extremely durable polypropylene copolymer, extruded twin-wall corrugated plastic sheet free from additives such as coloring agents, antistatic and ultraviolet inhibitors. Corflute archival is suitable for backing, mounting, and fabricating containment enclosures. A superior substrate for long-term use with no out-gassing. It is resistant to water, oils, and solvents at room temperatures, and is excellent for making boxes, the backing of framed works of art and as a barrier board. What are the ...